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Product Description:

Product Name: LED Moving Message Display (MMD)


SIZE : 16 characters of 1.25 inch each. Total length 20 inch.approx.



1) Single color and tri-color LED moving message display (red, green and  yellow).

2) Attractive animations for each text

3.) Computer keyboard can be connected directly to the MMD to enter messages

4) PC interface (rs-232)  to enter text / graphics.

5) Easy to use windows based software to enter messages, logos and graphics.

6) GSM interface to transfer the message to MMD from remote location through SMS  or GPRS.

7) Non volatile memory to keep the message stored at power failure.

8) Can store up to 100 files. A single file can store 1380 characters.

9) In-built RTC for Time and Date display.

10). All regular fonts and display effects.

11). Can be operated on 5VDC adaptor. 12VDC model is also available.

12). 4X4 keyboard interface (optional) to play the desired message with a single touch button


1)    Shops and factories :  Production and instruction information display

2)    Offices and schools /colleges : Notice board, reception

3)    Advertisement in banks, hotels.

4)    Information display on railway stations, bus stands, hospitals.

5)    In OPDs to display doctor's name outside their rooms.

6)    For cars, buses and other 4 wheelers for indications.

Product Name: LED Moving Message Display (MMD)


SIZE : 10 characters of 1.25 inch each.



1) Single color and tri-color LED moving message display (red, green and  yellow).

2) Attractive animations for each text

3.) Computer keyboard can be connected directly to the MMD to enter messages

4) PC interface (rs-232)  to enter text / graphics.

5) Easy to use windows based software to enter messages, logos and graphics.

6) GSM interface to transfer the message from remote location through SMS or GPRS.

7) Non volatile memory to keep the message stored at power failure.

8) Can store up to 100 files. A single file can store 1380 characters.

9) In-built RTC for Time and Date display.

10). All regular fonts and display effects.

11). Can be operated on 12V battery /12DC adaptor.

12). Vehicle interface enables to display <TURNING RIGHT>, <TURNING LEFT>,
<PARKED>, <BRAKE>, <BACKING UP>, >, <DOOR OPEN>etc,automatically  according

the action taken by the driver. A no. of other useful safety messages can be

displayed with a single touch button like <PASS LEFT>, <PASS RIGHT>, < WAIT>,

< GO SLOW>, etc. along with symbols.


1)    Specially designed for cars, buses and other 4 wheelers for indications.

2)    Shops: Production and promotion information display

3)    Office: Notice board

4)    Highway: Road direction, temperature information

5)    Advertisement in banks, hotels.

6)    Information for railway, bus stations, hospitals.